Thursday, April 26, 2012

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

my wife has this idea that not talking to me is suposed to make me mad..when i ignore her being mad..she gets madder..when i ask whats wrong she either doesnt wanna talk or makes it worse and says something dumb about something that i did that she didnt like but i didnt intentionally do..and even when im not wrong and she thinks i should appologize and i do..she calls the apology b.s and its a basic smack in the when i dont apologize she wonders this very second shes down stairs braiding hair and im ignoring her cause she is acting weird..every few minutes shes nice then shes mean..she freakn nuts...earlier she was all nice i came back from the store an she was given me dirty looks..i wanna communicate and talk..she thinks slamming doors and ignoring me is the way to get my attention but we have been married 5 yrs..that crap doesnt phase me anymore..what the hecks her prob??

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

This sounds like the typical woman are hard to please and figure out scenario. I would like to throw out that you were able to put it down on the screen and say it in a way that was factual. This is important in communication. Maybe she needs to hear what you wrote and why some things she does bother you. At the same time look at what you know about her. She gets madder when you ignore her? Are you trying to reslove things with her or are you adding fuel to the fire? Five years is the make or break time. You know her better than anyone.

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

Your wife is a child.


ATTentION MARRied COUples?

It sounds like you guys need to go to marriage counseling. Communication is a two-way street.

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

Sounds to me like she has some serious communication problems and that is something you both need to work on together. Like someone else said, communication is a two way street and it doesn't work if one person isn't willing to at least try.

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

Mature people don't play silly games, stomp out of rooms, slam doors, ignore their spouse, give each other dirty looks etc.... they sit down and calmly talk over their issues and come to a compromise.

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

She loves you and wants to love you as much as she did beforw you hurt her feelings...Hurt depletes love..Amendments and conclusions must be reached to move foward and become more loving. isnt that your relational goal in life? If you cannot forsee this than you either need counseling...or its time for divource. It sounds like too many issues are going unresolved and that you are the main perpetrator on her relational hareder quit or get fired

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

Perhaps you can just say you are going to just leave her alone and she can let you know when she's out of her funk. Also, you can let her know if there is anything she wants to talk about you would be happy to hear it.

Beyond that, what can you do? She's immature.

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

I would ask her if you two could talk without the drama and emphasize that you want to reconcile. Do everything on your part to make it clear that you want to work it out. If she doesn't agree to that then I would say that she just enjoys drama...which stinks :o(.

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

No couples ever been live happier ever after if not communicate often.

Communication gap will created and a very little thing misunderstood will make into an irreconcilable diferrence that lead to broken famil and worst to be affted are kids if there.

If respect to each other is the spice up to married couple in their relationship to make binding to one another. Patient is the most important factor that married one should adopt as a philosophy of life.

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

Dang man..just tell her what you wrote here to us...makes sense to me. Tell her you want her to act like an adult married woman and discuss problems instead of acting like a teenager who's mad at her daddy for something. She does sound crazy though...even crazy people need a second chance to get their sh*t together.

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

I am soo sorry..I know exactly what you are saying and feeling..I used to do this to my husband..and it was around 5 yrs of marriage..there's alot of things to think about and consider..when I used to do this to my husband..I felt lonely..he was always at his mom's house and didn't help me w/ the babies unless I asked him..another thing..I still had feelings for my first love..and wanted my husband to treat me like he did. I always, purposely, found things wrong w/ my husband so I can find more reason to be w/ someone else. We also had issues w/ my in-laws so it took some time..we almost went through a divorce..but that made us realize we truly love each other ..and that we can work things through. I'm sorry but sometimes..ultimatums DO work. Time apart works..2-3 days worked for us...time has past..and we are now married 10 yrs and counting..and we love each other more than ever. It just takes time. Your wife needs to learn to appreciate you. She doesn't right now..I can tell you that...but you have to take give her that ultimatum..they work..sometimes they don't work the way you want them to but they are worth trying.

I wish you a happy %26amp; blessed future..and don't forget to keep God close to your heart to help you through the heartache.

ATTentION MARRied COUples?

just go out and get drunk,, see how she likes that

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